Buildings for sale                                         HOME  



Panadura (3772)

No of pchs: 05

No of floors: 02 

Floor area: 2300 sq.ft

A two storied building facing D.S.Senanayake mw (by the CTB main bus stand at the Panadura town center)

Price: Rs.36,000,000/-




Showroom (3786)

Floor area: 1150 sq.ft

A ground floor showroom in a up market commercial cum residential complex with Galle road frontage in a prestigious location (adj Bagatale road)

Price: Rs.125,000,000/-


More options..

Price wise

Apts sale

Apts rent 








CMB Metro 

CMB suburbs



Colombo-10 (3746)

No of pchs: 03

No of floors: 03

Total floor area: 1650 sq.ft

A three storied building with 03 shops ground floor,04 shops upper floor & one bed roomed apt top floor second block

from Panchikawatte road

(close to the Tower hall)

Price: Rs.120,000,000/-



Dehiwela (3799)

No of pchs: 7.5

No of floors: 03

Floor area: 5300 sq.ft

A three storied building with a roof top terrace & five shops on the ground floor facing Hill street-Karagampitiya.




Panniptiya (3695)

Extent: 08 pchs

No of floors: 03

Floor area: 3800 sq.ft

A newly built luxury & spacious modern building by Borella road (opp the Pannipitiya railway station)

Price: Rs.60,000,000/-



Building & house (3793)

Extent 1.5 Acres

Building-03 floors-6000sq.ft

House-02 floors-3 bed rooms-900 sq.ft

Building & a house with cultivated land facing Trinco rd (close to the Inamaluwa temple)

Price: Rs.140,000,000/-



Ratmalana (3474)

No of pchs: 15.5

No of floors: 04

Total floor area: 8275 sq.ft

A newly completed four storied building with ten apts on a wide private road off Attidiya rd (close to the Galle rd)

Price: Rs.300,000,000/-



Building (3767)

No of pchs: 15

No of floors: 05

Floor area: 21,000 sq.ft

A five storied modern building facing Kandy road at Bulugaha junction

Price: Rs.280,000,000/-



Negombo (3816)

No of pchs: 45

No of floors: 02 & 01

Floor areas: 3000+1500 Sq.ft

A two storied house & a single storied showroom plus two shops  facing Main street & two other roads

(opp St.Marys church)

Price: Rs.300,000,000/-



Nawala (3823)

No of pchs: 11

No of floors: 03

Floor areas: 6000 q.ft

A nearing completion building with two apts (with provisions for another on the ground floor) at Third Lane-Koswatte.

Price: Rs.300,000,000/-



Colombo-14 (3680)

No of pchs: 35

No of floors: 03

Floor area:17,540 sq.ft

A three storied building with a basement as well with two road access at Mahakumarage mw (with access from St.Joseph street as well as Price of Wales ave)

Price: Rs.575,000,000/-


Colombo-06 (3640 )

No of bed rooms: 10

No of floors: 03

Floor area: 5000 sq.ft

A three storied commercial building

with three floors facing Vivekananda road (close to the Galle rd side)




Colombo-06 (3734B )

No of pchs: 15.2

No of floors: 04

Floor area: 7000 sq.ft

A four storied commercial building

with ground & mezzanine office space, first & second floors one apt each, plus two apts behind the building, facing the Galle road (close to Wellawatte junction)




Moratuwa (3757)

No of pchs: 19.9

No of floors: 02

Floor area: 4000

A commercial building with 23 ft Galle road frontage & private rd on one side at Rawahawatte (adj the Food city)

Price: Rs.130,000,000/-




Colombo-14 (3720)

No of pchs: 16.7

No of floors: 04

Floor area: 10,000 sq.ft

A four storied spacious building

facing Prince of Wales avenue

(close to the Sugatadasa stadium)





Building with apts (3701)

No of pchs: 09

No of floors: 04

Floor area: 6,500 sq.ft

A four storied building with a three bed roomed apt on each floor at Sri Maha Vihara road-Kalubowila.

Price: Rs.110,000,000/-



Building (3634)

No of pchs: 404

No of floors: 02

Floor area:12,000 sq.ft

A two storied building in a private compound with 40 ft roadway off Prince of Wales avenue (close to the Inguru kade junction)





Building (3582)

No of pchs: 7.2

No of floors: 03

Floor area: 5500 sq.ft

A three storied building situated facing the Galle road close to the Mt.lavinia junction.

Price Rs.140,000,000/-


Wadduwa (3391)

No of pchs: 36

No of buildings: 02

(single storey & 03 storey)

Total floor area: 3500 sq.ft

Two building facing the Galle road by the Wadduwa junction (within the same premises)

Price: Rs.90,000,000/-



Dehiwela (3508)

No of pchs: 12

No of floors: 02

Floor area: 2800 sq.ft

A two storied modern building facing Attidiya main road close to the bekariya junction.




Building-House-Land (3540)

No of pchs:

Building-20.5 pchs

House-19.95 pchs

Land-15.95 pchs

A three storied newly built building, a single storied house & a bare land in the same vicinity at Pamnuwila rd-Gonawala

Rs.125,000,000/-(for the building)




If interested in any of the below given properties please contact us 

Reality Lanka Tel/fax: 2716920       Hotline: 0714920402   



  Property code No.   Price Description  
Colombo-03  179o  

Rs.31 mil

A three storied building 2000 sq.ft on 02 pchs at Vivekananda rd (close to Galle rd)  
Colombo-04  49D  

Rs.150 mil

A three storied building (6000 sq.ft) on 8 pchs facing Duplication rd  
Colombo-06 89O  

Rs.40 mil

A single storied building (1600 sq.ft-with approval for five floors) on 3.45 pchs at Havelock road (opp the Havelock city)  





Rs.5 mil pp

An investor required to demolish & develop a 5 pch property facing High level rd-Kirulapone & take on lease long term (to off set the rent from the investment)  




Rs.25 mil

A single storied 400 sqft building third block from the Galle rd down Dharmarama rd (opp Savoy)  




Rs.75 mil

A three storied building (600 sq.ft each floor) with ground & upper floor open office space & top floor studio apt facing Mainland Cresent (opp St.Bridget's convent)  
Colombo-08 27B  

Rs.200 mil

A five storied building on 14 pchs with a total floor area of 18000 sq.ft with parking for 30 cars (including a basement) at Castle street(opp the hospital)  
Colombo-10 120F

Rs.17 mil

Ground floor of a three storied building (840 sq.ft) facing Maradana rd near Punchi Borella junction  
Colombo-10 140P

Rs.32  mil

A six roomed three storied building on 5.5 pchs fifth block fm the Galle rd (opp mount lavinia courts)  




Rs.24 mil

A three storied building with two apts on each floor (01-02 bed rm & 01-01 bed rm ) on 05 pchs at Shantha mw-off Kawdana rd  
Mt.lavinia 86A  

Rs.45 mil

A four storied building (including a basement) with a total floor area of 3200 sq.ft facing the Galle rd (opp Templars rd)  
Mt.lavinia 152F

Rs.17 mil

500 sqft single storied shop 3.25 pchs facing the Galle rd Mt Lavinia junction

Rajagiriya 176F

Rs.3.8 mil

Shop space 1500 sq.ft on the 6th floor of the Janajaya shopping complex (by the fly over at Rajagiriya junction)